The human body can make most of the types of fats of its need from other fats or raw materials which we are taking as our food source. but this not happen with the omega-3 fatty acids (which is also known as omega-3 fats and n-3 fats). These are essential fats— which the body can’t make by own from scratch but must get them from food source. Foods which are high in Omega-3 include fish, vegetable oils, nuts (especially walnuts
), flax seeds, flaxseed oil, and leafy vegetables.
What makes Omega-3 fatty acid special?
They are really an integral part of cell membranes through the human body and affect the function of the cell receptors during these membranes. They will provide the beginning point to start making hormones which controls blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery wall surfaces, and inflammation. They likewise bind to receptors in cells that regulate genetic function. Likely due to these effects, omega-3 fat have been proven to help prevent heart disease and stroke, may support control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may even also have protective roles in cancers and other conditions.
Types of Omega-3 fatty acid
The main source of the Omega-3 Fats are the sea foods and animal such as fish and krill who provide eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are mostly promoted for their protective effects on your heart.
There are three main omega-3s:
- Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are derived from fish, so they are also called as marine omega-3s.
- Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in most Western diets, it is found in vegetable oils and nuts (especially walnuts ), flax seeds and flaxseed oil, leafy vegetables and in some grass-fed animals. The human body uses ALA for energy, and conversion into EPA and DHA is very limited.
Omega-3 fatty acid Benefits
Omega-3 ranks among the most important essential nutrients out there today. This should be included in the food as the body can not produce it self a science research shows that its important for the body.
Low amount of EPA and DHA resulted in an increased risk of death from all causes, as well as accelerated cognitive decline.
Here are the key of Omega-3 fatty acid benefits
- Omega-3 benefits your heart health.
- Omega-3 normalizes and regulates your cholesterol triglyceride levels. Compared to a statin, both fish oil and krill oil are more efficient in doing this.
- Fasting triglyceride levels are a powerful indication of your ability to have healthy lipid profiles, which can be indicative of your heart health.
- Omega-3 fats are anti-arrhythmic , anti-thrombotic , anti-atherosclerotic , and anti-inflammatory.
- DHA also affects the child’s learning and behavior. if you want to maximize your child’s intellectual potential than you should consider as the intake.
- Omega-3 has gives great impact on your brain health – EPA and DHA keep the dopamine levels high in your brain, which increase neuronal growth in the frontal cortex of your brain, and increase cerebral circulation.
- Omega-3 has been found to save the lives of children going through short bowel syndrome (SBS).
Other Benefits are :
Coronary heart disease and stroke Essential fatty acid deficiency in infancy, General brain function, including memory and Parkinson’s disease, ADHD Autoimmune disorders, e.g. lupus and nephropathy Osteoporosis, Crohn’s disease Cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate Rheumatoid arthritis
Sources of Animal-Based Omega-3
Salmon Fish Oil
Cod Liver Oil
White Fish
Egg Yolks
Sources of Plant-Based Omega-3 (Omega-3 Vegan Source)
Flax Seeds
Not surprisingly, flax tops our list as the best vegetarian source of Omega 3. Also known as the Alsi in india which is great source of Omega-3 Fats in which 30gram of Flax Seed Contains 6388mg of Omega 3
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds have only recently gotten attention and it is long overdue! A 30 grams of chia seeds packs contains 4915mg of Omega 3 and 1620mg of Omega 6. They also contains calcium, fiber, and manganese.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds which are also know as bhang seeds in india, have a great Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. 30 grams of the seeds will provide 1100 Omega 3 and 2700 Omega 6. It also contains the good amount of protein and fat.
Mustard Oil
Mustard oil has 826mg Omega 3 and 2146mg Omega 6 in a tablespoon. Compare this to the 103mg Omega 3 and 1318mg Omega 6 found in olive oil! You can usually find mustard oil in Indian food stores.
Seaweeds not only have fairly high amounts of Omega 3, but they are also one of the only vegan foods which also have EPA and DHEA. Spirulina (58mg Omega 3, 88mg Omega 6 per tablespoon) is one of the best choices.
Beans don’t have as much Omega 3 as seeds or nuts. Mungo beans and Urad Dal are by far the best choice with 603mg Omega 3 and just 43mg Omega 6 in one cup cooked. French beans and navy beans are also good choices. To really get the most out of these super foods, sprout them first!
Winter squash
Winter squash also called as Kaddu in india, is a amazingly good source of Omega 3, with 338mg per cup cooked – and you’ll only get 203mg of Omega 6.
Leafy Greens
To meet calcium and iron, vegetarians should having leafy greens. It turns out that greens are also a decent source of Omega 3 also. A cup of cooked spinach has 352mg of Omega 3 with only negligible amounts of Omega 6. Broccoli rabe, collards, kale and grape leaves are also good sources of Omega 3.
Cabbage Family
Vegetables in the cabbage family have a surprising amount of Omega 3. Cauliflower is the most notable with 208mg Omega 3 and just 62mg of Omega 6 per cup, cooked. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also good choices. Greens in the cabbage family are also a great bio-available source of calcium.
Berries are not just contains good amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but they also are also a good vegetarian source of Omega 3. Blueberries top the list with 174mg of Omega 3 per 1 cup serving while simultaneously only delivering 259mg of Omega 6.
Wild Rice
Wild rice should be a staple for all vegetarians and vegans. One cup cooked gives lots of iron, protein, fiber, magnesium, zinc, and manganese. You’ll also get 156mg Omega 3 while only taking in 195mg of Omega 6.
Herbs and Spices
All the popular herbs and spices have a great amount of Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. Garlic Cloves are one of the best with 86mg/52mg per 2 grams, as is oregano contains 73mg/18mg, marjoram 49mg/18mg, and tarragon 44mg/11mg. You probably aren’t going to meet your RDAs for Omega 3 on herbs and spices alone, but the added nutrition is a good reason to make your foods more flavorful.
Mangoes are one of all-time favorite foods in India as summer come every one rush to buy it. These citruses pack contains 77mg of Omega 3s per fruit. They are one of the few vegetarian sources of Omega 3 which actually have less Omega 6 than Omega 3 it just have 29mg per fruit.
Honeydew Melon
A cup of honeydew melon balls delivers 58mg of Omega 3. Like with mangoes, it also has less Omega 6 than Omega 3 just 46mg!

Thanks. This was helpful.